Find Out What Constitutes A Safe Travel For Pregnant Women


You are a pro traveler, know what you need, what to pack, and what to plan for a smooth travel. Then add pregnancy into the mix and it can throw you out of the loop. Travelling is for everyone who can and want to do it including pregnant women. If you are pregnant, it is still possible for you to have safe travel by taking some precaution and well-planned preparations.  

Tips for pregnant women to have smooth travel experience

When you are pregnant, you are more cautious about things that can harm your pregnancy such as food poisoning, long-haul flight, etc. Those can make you experience constant fear and doubt if you have to travel. The most important key is to talk with your OB-GYN in advance to get some useful advice. And here are other important things you need to do to stay safe travelling while being pregnant:

Know when you should and should not go travel

Considering the right time for you to travel is necessary because it relates to the risk of your pregnancy. For example, travelling in the first trimester can put your pregnancy at higher risk and also, you may not be able to stay comfortable due to morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, etc. Meanwhile, travelling in the third trimester may be a bit uncomfortable physically with how heavy your stomach is, swollen feet, etc. Hence, it is more recommended that pregnant women travel on the second trimester. However, remember that every pregnancy is unique and you still have to talk with your doctor if it is possible for you to travel while pregnant. 

Know what to pack

Packing is one of the most unappealing things for many travelers. However, it is necessary for smooth travel. And packing for a travel you are going to take as pregnant woman is even more crucial. Make a check-list to remind you of items you need to pack such as anti-nausea medicine, compression socks, water, enough snack, etc. Also, do not forget to bring your prenatal record and put in in a bag that can be accessed easily. You may also need a doctor’s certificate that states you are fit to fly especially when you travel close to your due date since most of airlines will ask for it. 

What to pay attention to

During travel, always remind yourself that you are not alone, and that you have a baby with you. It means, you cannot be careless about what you eat. Be careful when choosing street foods and drinking local water especially when you travel abroad. It is safe to stick to bottled water and bring your own snacks for travel stock. About your meals, just follow the advice your doctor gave you about what you can and cannot eat during pregnancy. You need to check the travel advisories before booking your trip so you know what to expect and anticipate. Also, choose the most suitable transport for you, be it by plane, car, or cruise ship. 



