Travel Tendencies With Introverts


If you are extroverts planning to take on a vacation with introverts, you might want to prepare yourself with some considerations in mind. Well, travelling with people with different personalities is not so bad. It doesn’t mean you will keep having conflict throughout the trip. In fact, your travel might become more colorful and you will get to experience new things. It is worth to try travelling with people whose personalities are so different from yours. It will give you chance to see the world in different perspective. It will give you some life lesson you might not be able to find in other occasion. 

How introverts enjoy their travel

When you decide to travel with introverts while you are being an extroverts yourself, there is nothing to be worry about. What you need to do is be respectful and don’t judge. Here is what it feels like if you travel with introverts.

Travel Tendencies With Introverts

Less Talk

Since you are an extrovert, you must be used to talking to others. Making comments about this and that is what you are familiar with. However, more often than not, you will find yourself talking to yourself. Don’t be surprise because introverts are not really a fan of talking.  They may make some comments when they think necessary. However, remember not to pressure them to talk. The best thing about travelling with introvert is they are the best listener. 

What’s Inside Might Not Appear Outside

They may look passive and less enthusiastic when visiting places even if it’s such an amazing thing to experience. However, it doesn’t mean they are less excited about it than you. They just tend to be less expressive in letting out their emotions. Thus, don’t get disappointed easily if you find them with less enthusiastic expression on their face while you are screaming your lung out due to the excitement.

They’ll Help You to Stay Calm

Benefits of travelling with introvert is that they will help you to stay calm even when you are in trouble. You will feel a little less worry when bad things happen during travel because of their quite passive attitude to the problems. They won’t let you upset over minor mishaps. Strangely enough, you will learn how to be more tolerant toward unpleasant things during travel. 

They Don’t Get Easily Distracted

Somehow you will feel safer travelling with introvert because they don’t get easily distracted so they can keep watching you from behind. They are more observant and have better focus. Thus, you will feel safer throughout the travel because you can trust them. Disadvantage of being extrovert is to be oblivious sometimes and that can be dangerous during travel in unknown places. 

Personal Space

Travel with introvert means you also need to make plan to spend some times alone because they need ‘alone time’ to truly enjoy their moment be it to think, to reflect, or to relax themselves. You don’t have to feel bad about leaving them alone because they need it to enjoy their travel. On the other side, you will get benefit from travelling with them such as finding hidden gem with breathtaking beauty with less people so you can truly feel closer to nature.   



