Travel Offenses You Need To Know

Travel Offenses You Need To Know

Travelling can lead to various experiences from good to bad. Regardless of how prepared you are for the trip, sometimes you encounter things you don’t want to deal such as rude seatmate, delayed flight, bad weather, etc. Also, there are so many travel offenses commonly done by travelers regardless age or gender. 

Various travel offenses you should know

It is easy to feel like your trip has been ruined because of travel offenses you encounter. However, it is best that you take precaution by packing extra dose of patience with you before leaving your home. Make yourself aware that sometimes those are inevitable and let yourself seek for the positivity. Here are examples of travel offenses you may experience especially when you travel abroad:

Tipping custom may vary from one country to another. In some countries, it is considered offensive to tip while in some other countries is the opposite. Many travelers don’t know about tipping custom of their destinations. You may encounter one during your trip. Or, if you are the one who don’t know about the tipping custom of your destination, learn more about it. Learn it before the trip is better so you know what to do during your visit. 

Tipping custom may vary from one country to another. In some countries, it is considered offensive to tip while in some other countries is the opposite. Many travelers don’t know about tipping custom of their destinations. You may encounter one during your trip. Or, if you are the one who don’t know about the tipping custom of your destination, learn more about it. Learn it before the trip is better so you know what to do during your visit.

During your trip, you may have encounter people who are rude and like cutting the line. Waiting in line is probably one of the biggest nightmares. It is even worse when it happens during travel. You don’t like it when people cut in the line. So don’t do it either. Being in a rush doesn’t give you privilege to cut in the line. And if you encounter a person who cut in the line, call them out. They will feel embarrassed and wait in line (if they are a decent human). 

Another example of travel offense is refuse to reuse towels at hotels. It is often that travelers just throw the towel on the floor after use. However, you can save water and energy by reusing it as long as it is still clean. Also, it can help housekeeper with their job. 

Being ignorance and disrespectful to the local culture is like one of the biggest offense made by travelers. It is one of the most common cases in international trip. When you encounter fellow travelers who are being disrespectful to the locals or their culture, do not hesitate to call them out. Inform them politely and if they keep being ignorance, ask them to leave before there is a fight with the locals. Also, prevent yourself from getting in trouble by learning about the local culture of a place you are planning to visit in advance. 

Being impatient during boarding process. It can cause a crowd at the gate and make it harder for people to move. You may encounter people who like being a Gate Lice but don’t follow them because it only slower down the boarding process in the end. Be a smart, mature traveler and act responsibly. 



